KW 24/05/2023 Reviews
Sharon is and has always been a consistent person, someone who offers her honest and real opinion alongside her unwavering support. As a young person Sharon supported me through some of the most difficult and hellish situations, when I felt that I did not have the support or presence from family members that I deserved and needed, Sharon’s support and guidance as a professional enabled me to see and think of things from a different perspective. Her involvement in my life during this time truly allowed me to be seen, heard and shown that what had happened to me, the life that had been happening around me and to me was not only not my fault, but also, it was something I could distance myself from.
You had always seen who I really was, the essence of who I was, aside from the wild actions, and encouraged me to pursue better things, to continue my involvement in some of the ongoing projects that the organisation had partnerships with. This changed my life. I have been working professionally advocating and supporting children and young people for nearly 15 years, and have been afforded the privilege and many opportunities to work internationally, nationally as well as more recently, locally to offer my support to other young people who I sometimes have shared experiences with.
You are someone who has a long lasting impact on you as she offers authenticity, transparency and is someone you can rely on to nothing but her best self.
AG 13/05/2023 Reviews
Miss you so much, I really do. You got me through tough parts of my life.
The training was extremely informative, I would say the main part is the reflection element and to take the step back and think about my thought process, reaction etc. It was all useful and very thought provoking. I liked the videos and the way the session was delivered, facilitator was very thorough and clear in presentation.
All the training was useful, it was all very informative and interesting and definitely plugged a gap within this area for Social Care and Early Help workers, it plays a huge part in the work that completed with families in Derby.
The short video clips really evidenced good and bad styles of interviewing! Sharon makes the 2 hours fly by and delivers at a really good pace. There were no gaps in the training, and I will recommend her to my team.
I found the training very interesting and useful, and there were no gaps in the training that I noticed.
PANEL FEEDBACK 21/06/2022 Reviews
Overall Professional Panel feedback on 21/06/22, of the completion of Practice Education Certificate….. This was a well-structured portfolio, which demonstrated your commitment and hard work that you put into making g this placement a very interesting and thought proving learning experience for the SW student. As off-site Practice Educator you needed to work in partnership with Work Based Supervisor in order to ensure that induction, learning opportunities and day to day practice is well managed and that student feels supported through the placement, which you have done very well.
You have certainly nurtured and supported the student to develop her knowledge and skills taking a self-reflective approach, and enabling the student to explore her own values and recognise the issues of power as affected by one’s status, age, race, gender, culture, (dis) ability as well as sexuality and past experiences – and to apply that learning to her work with young people in care. You have also supported the student to apply the legal framework in her practice and to understand the way in which is implemented in Children’s Care Homes and share her knowledge with other students.
You have provided the student with plenty of opportunities for critical reflection, which the student appreciated and found very beneficial. Your own critical reflective account demonstrates your own learning and professional development and it was really nice to read how much you actually enjoyed undertaking the role of Practice Educator.
PANEL FEEDBACK 21/06/2022 Reviews
Professional feedback from A.R on 21/06/22, regarding the certificate completion above……. Thank you so much Sharon for all the work that you have put into the placement and for supporting the student so well. I have never seen anyone talk about the standards in such a meaningful and engaging way as your student did when she delivered a presentation to other students, and from my discussion with the student, I know that you had a lot to do with the way that she understood her role in the home, but also the purpose of those standards in terms of how they are managed, and what they actually mean in practice for young people, as well as workers who support them.
MS 06/06/2022 Reviews
You are regarded very highly and our little team has truly appreciated your support and engagement – you have made an important difference.
AM 22/12/2021 Reviews
Thank you Sharon for all your positivity and hard work over this last year.
SJ 10/12/2021 Reviews
Nice to see you and your delivery.
KC 13/01/2021 Reviews
I found the training very interesting and useful, and there were no gaps in the training that I noticed.
I wanted to pop you a message regarding the training plan that Sharon has devised. Sharon attended the YOS Senior Management meeting this morning and the plan evoked a very detailed and informative discussion. It seems that having Sharon on board has significantly strengthened the working relationship between our teams and has offered an exciting development opportunity to develop “staff passports”. This means that for the first time YOS managers potentially can have a clear running record of staff development and hold staff accountable for their own personal and professional growth.
There has definitely been a huge benefit of having a WFLD worker with first hand YOS experience and this was most evident today. Managers were impressed with the thoroughness of the training plan and welcomed its simple layout clearly identifying a training plan for the differing roles within the service.